
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 08:07:10
在文学史上,大凡有所成就的作家,其作品风格的形成与他丰富跌宕的生平际遇是分不开的,他或者满腹经纶,怀才不遇;或者生不逢时,遭遇国破家亡,颠沛流离…受尽了人间残酷的折磨,而往往,又正是这些不平的际遇成就了他。 被誉为“国初第一词人”、“满清三大词人”之一的纳兰性德,终其一生富贵显赫、锦衣玉食,可是他的词作却悲凄哀婉,愁恨难收,世人眼里的如意生活为何让他如此惆怅漫溢?在这样富足的生活里,又是什么让他的词作如此悲戚?是否,他的人生里还有些什么不可言喻的苦衷呢?


In literary history, mostly have the writer of achievement, the formation of its work style's enriching with him to fall Dang usually chance is an inseparable, he or full stomach statecraft, the bosom just doesn't meet;Or unlucky, suffer country destroyed Wu in the house, the Dian Pei lives life of refugee …endured the human life ruthlessness molestation, but was exactly these again usually uneven of the chance achieved him.Being praised as the Na orchid of one of"country beginning first phrase person", "three greatest phrases person of Qing Dynasty" is virtuous, through his entire life the rich and honored is imposing, extravagant life, but his phrase make but sad Qi Ai Wan, the sorrow hates difficult accept, people of this world eyes inside of satisfied life why let he does the thus disappointed Man overflow?In the life of this abundance, again is what make his phrase made thus sorrow?Whether, his still have in life some what beyond words real intention