
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/25 01:26:54
首次公开发行——IPO(Initial Public Offering)是指股份有限公司委托投资银行等中介机构第一次公开在股票市场上向广大投资者发售股份的行为。IPO在股票市场发行活动中占据重要地位,它是发行市场(一级市场)和交易市场(二级市场)的连接通道。然而,不论亚太地区,还是拉丁美洲国家,甚至是在资本市场高度发达的欧美国家,实证研究表明首次公开发行过程中都存在不同程度的抑价现象。这一现象在我国A股市场首次公开发行中更为显著,尤其是在中小企业板块。新股发行首日溢价水平,又称IPO抑价(Initial Public Offering Under-pricing),是指一只股票在首次公开发行后第一个交易日的收盘价格远高于发行价格的情况。到目前为止,新股抑价仍然是困扰金融学界的难题,各国经济学和金融学家纷纷对IPO抑价问题投入大量的研究精力。

关键词:中小板 IPO 询价制 抑价
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Initial Public Offering - IPO (Initial Public Offering) Co., Ltd. is the investment banking and other commissioned the first public agency in the stock market shares for sale to the general behavior of investors. IPO activity in the stock market to issue occupies an important position, it is the distribution market (primary market) and the trading market (secondary market) of the link. However, regardless of the Asia-Pacific region or Latin American countries, even in highly developed capital markets of Europe and the United States, empirical studies show that the initial public offering of the course there are different levels of underpricing phenomenon. This phenomenon in China's A-share market IPO is more significant, especially in small and medium-sized plate. New premium level of the first day of issue, also known as IPO underpricing (Initial Public Offering Under-pricing), refers to an initial public offering of stock in the first day of trading after the closing price muc