
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/11 19:18:59
所谓事件营销(event-marketing),是指企业通过策划、组织和利用具有名人效应、新闻价值以及社会影响的人物或事件,吸引媒体、社会团体和消费者的兴趣与关注,以求提高企业或产品的知名度、美誉度,树立良好品牌形象,并最终促成产品或服务的销售的手段和方式。从“打造中国乳都”到赞助春节晚会,从“神舟五号”上天到超级女声,事件营销似乎成了蒙牛起家和发展的杀手锏。。蒙牛如何玩转事件营销,本文就此作出了详细的分析。 翻译成英文 谢谢

The thing called the case runs an end nail (event - marketing) and organizes a person effect and the reaction that are Kazutoshi tool famousness by passing that it points at a company and plans and, in a news value and 或事件 of the person whom society influences, the time to praise beautifully that I get a lot of looks, and demand the popularity to raise society group and interest and interest of the consumer, 或生产物 of the company of the medium, establishes a good trademark image and sets means and the method that I was able to sell and I am last and promote a product or to serve. Support a からまで は Vernal Equinox Day ball to "produce the capitals of the milk of China", and a super woman's voice, the case to rise to the sky on からまで "5th of a mysterious ship" stop, and run a nail; and of the killer of 蒙牛起家和発展 resemble it, and it seems to be it. . I played by I changed an ignorance cow はどのようにか case, and running an end nail, and the text made detailed analysis with t