来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/23 01:36:22
If you disconnect an attribute from an expression, the expression no longer reads or set its value. You might want to disconnect an attribute, for example, so you can keyframe the attribute rather than control it with an expression.

These actions disconnect an attribute from an expression:

Delete from the scene an object with an attribute that exists in the expression.
Use the Window > General Editors > Connection Editor to disconnect the attribute from the expression.
Use the MEL disconnectAttr command.
Use the MEL choice command.

上边提到的MEL choice command在哪里?

choice 就是一个 Mel 命令,具体用法看Help去,以下是Help原文:

No frames

Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Flags. MEL examples.

choice [-attribute string] [-controlPoints boolean] [-index int] [-name string] [-selector string] [-shape boolean] [-sourceAttribute string] [-time float] [objects]

choice is undoable, queryable, and editable.

The choice command provides a mechanism for changing the inputs to an attribute based on some (usually time-based) criteria. For example, an object could be animated from frames 1 to 30 by a motion path, then from frames 30 to 50 it follows keyframe animation, and after frame 50 it returns to the motion path. Or, a revolve surface could change its input curve depending on some transform's rotation value.
The choice command creates a choice node (if one does not already exist) on all specified attributes of the selected objects. If the attribute was already connected to something, tha