Ross comes out of the guest bedroom with the diaper bag and the car seat carrying thingy...

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/26 14:59:17
Ross comes out of the guest bedroom with the diaper bag and the car seat carrying thingy... car seat 什么意思?thingy什么意思》

car seat是汽车坐垫的意思。thingy是thing的形容词形式,表示物质的,引申意思有实际的。
car seat carrying是可携带的坐垫,但是car seat carrying thingy就不清楚是什么意思了。这句好像是老友记里的。。。

car seat是汽车座椅,thingy是不是事多的意思呀