
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/22 13:21:33
萨克斯是一种表现力非常丰富的乐器,它的灵活性很强,不但能够出色地演奏古典音乐,而且更善于演奏爵士、轻音乐。当很多大师提到爵士乐时,都会不禁谈论一个爵士中的另类风格----Bossa Nova。原本是50年代末期巴西新崛起的流行音乐风格,经过数十年来爵士萨克斯与拉丁的融合,它的风格时而热情奔放,时而清凉慵懒。
被译为“新潮流” 音乐的Bossa Nova已经成为了一种十分浪漫悦耳的国际性主题风格,在很多特定的场合,你都能享受到这种让人甚是舒服的曲风!虽然现阶段在中国学习萨克斯的人很多,但是在研究演奏Bossa Nova曲风上的经验却非常少。作为一名专业萨克斯的学生来说,实在是一大缺憾!
在演奏过程中有很多窍门,“知其窍门而能力行”,可节省浪费在徒劳无功练习上的时间与精力,对预期目标也相对的缩短很多时间,“窍门”对于学习演奏萨克斯的学生们而言具有相当重要性。为此,我综合了萨克斯各方面的演奏技巧以及多年的舞台演奏经验,在翻阅和聆听了很多Bossa Nova曲风的资料以及音频后,归纳总结出一些对于该曲风的演奏经验,以作参考

大姐,用翻译器翻译的挺顺畅被?!! 这还用你啊?!

Saxophone is a kind of instrument with strong expression and adaptibility.Not only can it splendidly performs the classic music, but also the Jazz and light music.When lots of masters talk about the Jazz, a unique style, namely, the Bossa Nova will be brought about. Bossa Nova is used to be a kind of pop music in Brazil during the end of the 1950s. After decades of amalgamation with the Latin style, the Bossa Nova now is a kind of music that boasts both passion and idleness.

Sakesi is one kind of very rich instruments of expressive power , its flexibility is very strong, not only be able to perform classical music outstandingly, and be good at performing the knight , light music more. While many great masters mentions jazz, city another kind style- - - - Bossa Nova in talking about a knight spontaneously. The pop music style being that the fifties last phase Brazil rises abruptly newly originally , the anastomosing doing knight Sakesi and Latin course the number i