
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/18 13:05:30
摘要 由于现代社会经济的飞速发展,提供各种服务的企业比比皆是,同类企业间竞争异常激烈。消费者没有足够的时间、精力去主动了解,识别各企业的服务。而且服务价格、方式、品种等的竞争会逐渐对顾客失去吸引力。产品质量再高,服务方式再好,也不能一味的被社会公众认识,所以现代社会亦是“好酒也怕巷子深”,大力传播自己的服务特色,则成了服务企业最有吸引力,最能引起公众共鸣和记忆的关键。因此,特色服务对服务企业树立服务品牌形象关系十分重要。
关键词 特色 服务 竞争 形象

Abstract Due to the rapid development of modern socio-economic, enterprise services provide many similar competitive enterprises. Consumers do not have enough time and energy to take the initiative to understand and identify the various business services. And the price of services, methods, species such as the competition will gradually lose its attraction to customers. Higher product quality, service no matter how good, can not only public awareness of the community, so modern society is "good wine is also deeply afraid of the alley," the dissemination of their own strong character, it has become the most attractive service enterprises, most cited
Response from the public and the key to memory. Therefore, the feature set of the service relationship between the importance of service brand image.
Key characteristics of service competition image

Abstract Due to the rapid development of modern socio-economic, enterprise services provide many similar competitiv