
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/12 21:12:53
不要在线翻得那种,那不准确 谢

加入WTO以来中国对外贸易规模迅速扩大,三年突破万亿美元大关,2007年又突破2万亿美元。中国与世界各国的经济联系日益紧密,WTO 其他成员国原有的对华歧视性政策,如数量限制等,将逐步取消。中国对外贸易额的也随之增大,既显示出中国对外开放度的不断增大,也带来中国与他国贸易摩擦的增多,主要表现为国外对华产品的反倾销诉讼逐年增多。究其原因,有我国的非市场经济待遇地位;我国对外贸易的快速增长;国际上反倾销被用作贸易保护的手段等等。为了更好地维护我国企业的正当利益,企业应当坚持实施名牌战略和走出去战略,要积极应对国外的反倾销诉讼,政府部门和相关行业协会也要发挥积极的作用。国外对华反倾销上升的主要原因何在,其特点如何,中国企业又该如何应对,本文时此进行了研究。

Since China's accession to the WTO, foreign trade has expanded rapidly, three breakthroughs trillion dollars in 2007 and breakthrough 2 trillion dollars. China and the world economy increasingly interlinked, WTO members of the original discriminatory policies, such as China, will gradually quantity limitation, etc. China's foreign trade with China, which shows that the increasing of opening-up to the outside, but also brings about the trade friction between China and other countries, China is mainly for foreign products of anti-dumping litigation increase annually. Investigate its reason, our non-market economy benefits, The rapid growth of China's foreign trade, International trade protection by the dumping means, etc. In order to better safeguard the legitimate interests of enterprises in China, the enterprise shall carry out famous brand strategy and go out, to actively respond to foreign strategy of anti-dumping litigation, the government departments and the relevant