
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/24 04:41:47
自从上个世纪二十年代,COCO创造了黑色小礼服之后,此后80多年的时间了,黑色小礼服成为了时尚圈中一段永恒不朽的神话,也成为了有品味的女人必备的制服。轻盈摇曳的、或是垂坠曳地的动人华服,是每个女人心中不灭的梦想,穿上如梦似幻的高贵黑色礼服,公主就成长为美丽的女王。本季黑礼服最为明显的亮点设计在于贴身的剪裁和凹凸有致的曲线,展现属于“上流社会”的随性和优雅。这套服饰是以简洁干练为风格,透过严谨的结构线去展现女性的婀娜多姿; 黑色小礼服短小贴身,完全是最简约的小礼服,衬出雪白肤色,黑白分明中,自有美感。也符合活泼俏皮的风格。首先,黑色上下两层裙摆富有层次感,黑得不单调,营造出可爱效果。其次,白色束身腰带制造出了优雅精致的感觉。胸前一朵耀眼的红花让这件小小黑色礼服充满了看头。背后一个黑色大蝴蝶结点缀着后背,简单并不单调。黑色小礼服另外一个好处就是,能够让略显丰腴的身材亦显得玲珑有致。 这个冬天,你必须拥有一条40年代风格的修身礼服,简洁又贴身的设计可以很好地刻画出女人时髦的曲线轮廓。

Since the twenties of the last century, COCO has created a small black dress, the 80 years since then, the black dress as a small circle in the fashion section of the myth of eternal immortal, has become a must-taste uniforms woman. Flickering light, or falling down of moving China drag costumes, the hearts of every woman's dream is immortal, noble如梦似幻wear a black dress, the beautiful princess on the growth of the Queen. Dress this season and most obvious is the bright spot in the design of tailor-made and paths have to cut the curve, showing an "upper-class society" and elegant with. This dress is simple and able to style, through a strict line to show the structure of female snakes; personal small black short dress, is the most simple little dress,衬出white color, black and white, by its own beauty. Also in line with the lively and witty style. First of all, the black upper and lower levels of the rich layering skirt, black is not monotonous, creating a lovely effect.