
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 10:21:42
摘要 应变测量技术是用于测量工程构件在各种常规和特殊工作状态下的应力应变的一项高新技术。在其技术领域当中最完善和成熟,并且应用最为广泛的是电阻应变测量技术。是一种将工程构件上的应变,转换成为电阻变化的应变测量技术。其优点是:①测量精度和灵敏度高;②频率响应好;③测量数值范围广;④易于实现测量的数字化、自动化和无线电遥测;⑤对各种特殊恶劣环境的适应性强;⑥可制成各种传感器和敏感元件。
电阻应变测量技术利用高精度力学量传感零件,把构件表面的变形量转变为电信号,输入相关的仪器仪表进行分析。其中最主要组成部分是敏感栅,它可以看成为一根电阻丝,其材料性能和几何形状的改变会引起栅的阻值变化,将它安装在构件表面,构件在受载荷后表面产生的微小变形,使敏感栅随之变形,应变计的电阻就发生变化,其变化率和安装应变计处构件的应变 ε成比例。测出此电阻的变化,即可按公式算出构件表面的应变,以及相应的应力。

关键词 应变 电阻 敏感栅 应力


Strain measurement technique is used for measuring engineering structures in various conventional and special working condition of stress and strain of a hi-tech. In the field of technology, and the most perfect and mature is the most widely used resistance strain measurement technique. Is a component of the project, into a strain of the resistance strain measurement technique. Its advantages are: (1) the measuring precision and high sensitivity, 2 the frequency response, Numerical range; (3) measurement 4 the digitalization and is easy to realize the automation and measuring radio telemetering, 5 for various special environments of adaptability, 6 can be made into various sensors and sensitive components.
Using the high accuracy measuring technology resistance strain sensor, the quantity of mechanical parts surface deformation into electrical signals, input related instrument analysis. One of the main component is sensitive, it can see gate, a root element