
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 06:57:42
In the picture,there are two sides of opinions about it.Studing is everything and children is everything.I don't real think it will be better,studing harder and harder.If I had studied harder that I had not a happy childhood.Knowledge is power.Knownledge is very exciting.No interesting,no studing.I am not against study harder.I think interesting is everything.Perhaps someone think love is everyting.You love children and it will be ok.It is not ok.They need ability.They need a real life.Perhaps children can't bear the more homework.They are tired.They just need interest in studing and they will do better.One more thing,you give children free,they will grow stonger.这是我写的,指正的同时,请帮忙改正,谢谢。



This picture vividly depicts two different opinions from modern parents about raising their children. Some of them holds that study is the only important thing for their kids; yet some believes that love should come first and that love between parents and children has little to do with study.

As far as I am concerned, these two opinions are not completely correct. For one thing, studying too much without paying attention to the interests, character and potential of the kids may ruin their future. Especially when the parents are blind about the chilren's character, emphasizing too much on study, more often than not, it will lead to a serious mentality of rebellion or abandonment from the kids. For another, parental love can be conveyed through many ways rather than just giving the kids what they need and want. As a Chinese saying goes, "you rui