
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/16 00:32:14
在国际贸易中,支付方式是重要的交易手段,然而买卖双方都想尽量保证自己的利益,那么在保证自己利益的同时,也应该保证他人的利益,这样才能建立一个和平,友好,健康的国际贸易体系。上述案例中就是因为没有慎重选用相对安全的支付方式,使一些不法分子钻了空子,这也给予了我们警醒和教训。汇款方式除非在你非常之信任的友人之下使用,其他时候为了安全我还是建议使用信用证的支付方式,信用证也是到现如今最安全的支付方式。慎重选用支付方式,因为它是你能否顺利拿到货款的关键。订立合同之人应要了解每个支付方式的内容与相对应的支付时间 、支付地点和支付方法,对应自己的合同采取对自己最有利,风险最小的支付方式。同时也应该规定检验办法,指定检验机构,使自己的利益得到保证。当然这只是贸易合同中的一个小部分,但却是不容忽视的。所以在确定合同之后应该认真审核,从而确保在以后的国际结算中顺利结汇。

In international trade, payment is an important means of transaction, but buyers and sellers want to ensure their own interests as far as possible, then ensure that their own interests, but also should ensure that the interests of others in order to build a peaceful, friendly, healthy international trading system. These cases is because there is no careful selection of relatively safe method of payment, so that the drilling of some lawless elements take advantage, which gave us a wakeup call and the lessons learned. Unless the transfer of trust in your friends is very under used, other times for safety, I recommend the use of letters of credit or payment, letters of credit also is now the most secure method of payment. Careful choice of payment method, because it is money you can get the key to the smooth. Of the conclusion of the contract should have to understand the contents of each payment and the payment of the corresponding time, location and payment method of payment, corresp