
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/27 00:15:12
我要参加一个竞赛,要求个组拟出英文 组名 口号 以及组介绍。请大家帮帮忙!我真的感谢你们`
组介绍:真的很高兴我们能参加这次比赛,我们五人能相聚在这里也是一种缘分,而且我们有着同样的目标,爱好!我们的目标就是展现自己实力勇夺冠军!我是组长A(名字用ABCDE表示)这是我的四位组员BCDE,我们有个相同的爱好。那就是爱车。我经常订购车杂志,加强我对车的了解,其他在员也是从网上个方面了解车信息,因此我都在一起都有共同的话题,我们是很谈得来的好朋友。我个人非常喜欢兰博基尼Lanmbrghini跑车,最近将要出四门骄跑车是我最期待的车。还有国产的奇瑞Chery五娃也很值得期待。B他喜欢保时捷Porsche Carrera911,很经典。C却喜欢美国肌肉车悍马Hummer。开起来很有个性。D和E都是改装车迷,对他们的定义就是疯狂。我的梦想就是建立自己的汽车品牌,造适合老百姓开的车。B的梦想是想开赛车。C是想有个好工作,有时间就去旅游。D和E是想开自己的改装店,这就我们的梦想,我们会一起努力实现我们的追求,相信我们会做到的。我们奋斗人生组介绍完毕,谢谢大家!

Group name: The struggle life
Slogan: eager to win through struggle
Group description: really very delighted that we were able to participate in this competition, we can meet five people is a kind of fate here, and we have the same goals, loving! Our goal is to show their strength won the championship! I was head of A (the name used, said ABCDE) This is my four to five members of the BCDE, we had the same hobbies. That car. I often ordered car magazines, to strengthen my knowledge of cars, other members from the Internet aspect is the understanding of car information, so I share a common topic together, we are able to talk to a good friend. I personally like Lanmbrghini Lamborghini sports car, the latest to be arrogant sports car out of four is looking forward to my car. There are five Chinese-made Chery Chery is also worth looking forward to her. B He likes Porsche Porsche Carrera911, very classic. C is like the American muscle car Hummer Hummer. Open up great personali