
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/19 10:50:50
本文主要研究柳州兴杜工业贸易有限公司玻璃钢生产工艺流程,柳州兴杜公司现在主要生产的玻璃钢制品有玻璃钢护风罩和玻璃钢汽车顶盖。公司以191#不饱和聚酯树脂为基体材料,玻璃纤维毡和纤维布为补强材料,过氧化甲乙酮为固化剂, E4钴的苯乙烯溶液为促进剂,滑石粉为填料,8号蜡脱模剂和起到抗老化,外保护,美观作用的胶衣为原料生产玻璃钢。论文分析和讨论了原料配方、模具设计、手糊成型工艺(温度、时间、固化程度)、脱模过程、产品的后处理等因素对玻璃钢制品外观和性能的影响。结果表明:
1、 模具制作的精密程度对产品外观质量和手糊过程中的操作难易度有重要影响。
2、 手糊成型过程中对胶量、操作时间、固化时间、固化温度的控制对产品质量有重要影响。
3、 脱模时间的把握和脱模过程是否小心是产品后期是否变形的关键因素。
4、 产品后处理所用修补材料和打磨质量对产品外观质量有重要影响。


Through access to a large number of factory training and in-depth literature survey to find out at home and abroad of the unsaturated polyester resin fiberglass production of theoretical and practical research. FRP is nearly 50 years the rapid development of a composite material, its light and rigid, non-conductivity, high mechanical strength, excellent corrosion resistance performance, cutting-edge technologies from all sectors of the national economy, have broad application prospects , and along with the needs of the development of production technology, the application of epoxy resin synthetic stone will be more and more widely.
This paper Liuzhou Mrs Hing Industrial Trading Co., Ltd. FRP production process, Liuzhou Xing Du production companies are now the main products are glass fiber reinforced plastic wind shield glass steel and glass roof of steel car. Company # 191 unsaturated polyester resin-based materials, glass fiber mat and fiber cloth for reinforcement materials,