再次请求英语高手翻译书信 内文如下

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/26 17:23:24
请你将此车的变速箱(近发动机位置) 多拍几张特写照片(在车底取景拍摄会较清楚)电邮给我 使我可以下个决定 从遥远的中国飞到欧洲比利时现场看货.是要花费大大笔的旅费和时间的 希望你能理解我的困难 期待著你的特写照片 并希望我们的生意能成功

Please take more close-up photos shoot of gearbox of this car (near the engine location and take from underbody of the car) and sent e-mail to me .so I can decide should i take fly from china far away to Belgium, .If i take the journey it will cost an amount of travel fee and big time so I hope you can understand my difficulties. looking forward to your close-up photo and hope that our business success