中文翻英文 快 急!!!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/02 21:10:29
孔子的一位学生在煮粥时,发现有肮脏的东西掉进锅里去了。他连忙用汤匙把 它捞起来,正想把它到掉时,忽然想到,一粥一饭都来之不易啊。于是便把它吃了。刚巧孔子走进厨房,以为他在偷食,便教训了那位负责煮食的同学。经过解释,大家才恍然大悟。孔子很感慨的说:“我亲眼看见的事情也不确实,何况是道听途听呢?”

one of the students of Confucius' fond something dirty fall into the pot when he was cooking porridge.
He quickly picked it out(up)with spoon,and want to throw away.
But suddenly,he thought that it's a hard work to get food,so he ate it.
Coincidentally Confucius went into the kitchen and thought he was stealing food,then taught the student.(这里的taught在英语口语中有教训的意思)
这么长啊,累人。 以上为纯人脑翻译,最后一句我实在翻译不下去了,对不住啊,就这些吧。

A student of Confucius煮粥, it was found that there are dirty things that fall into the pot went. He quickly捞起来with a spoon it is wants to swap it when all of a sudden thought, a rice porridge is a hard-won ah. So eat it. Confucius happened into the kitchen, thinking that he was to see, they taught the students who is responsible for cooking. After explanation, before we came. It is a pity's Confucius said: "I do not see, indeed, not to mention the Road to listen to passers-by to listen to it?"