英语翻译(不要用网翻 谢谢)

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 19:07:55
1.我很幸运,流感很快就治好了。(clear up)
2.这太贵了,你能给我打折吗?(give sb.a discount)
3.我们已经好长时间没上馆子吃饭了.(eat out)
4.他去机场询问去香港的航班。(enquire about)
6.我盼望去北京已有好长时间了。(look forward to)
7.电话占线,所以他打不通,(get through)
9.今天早上我差一点被一辆自行车撞到。(knock down)
10.对不起,布朗先生不在,我可以带个信吗?(take a message)
11.如果你需要我的帮助,请给我打拷机。(call sb.'s pager)
13.房间里很暖和,脱下你的大衣吧。(take off)
14.很高兴见到你,让我们保持联系。(stay in touch)
15.请把收音机音量调高点,我要听新闻。(turn up)
16.她要成为一名医生的梦想终于实现了。(come ture)
17.通过电话,我们可以与世界上大多数地区的人联系。(communicate with)
19.这台电脑不太占地方。(take up)
20。秘书花了一下午的时间把报告归档。(file away)
21.如果你乘国际航班,你必须提前两个小时在机场办理登机手续。(check in/check into)
22.他填写了申请工作表。(fill out)
23.昨天在外滩,我差点迷了路。(lose one's way)

1. I am very lucky, influenza quickly cured. (clear up)

2. This is too expensive, you do give me a discount? (Give sb.a discount)

3. We have a good time not to eat at a restaurant. (Eat out)

4. He asked to go to the airport from Hong Kong. (Enquire about)

5. Bookshelves release of the dictionary is too high, that little boy out of reach. (Reach)

6. I look forward to Beijing has been good for a long time. (Look forward to)

7. The line is busy, so he can not get through, (get through)

8. When you see a house on fire, please call 119. (Whenever)

9. This morning, I nearly hit by a bike. (Knock down)

10. I am sorry, Mr. Brown is not, I can do with a letter? (Take a message)

11. If you need my help, please give me a拷机. (Call sb. 'S pager)

12. He worked so very hard not to rest Sunday. (So... That)

13. The room is warm, you take off