
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 00:40:28


太阳还拥有足够的氦来为地球提供超过 50 亿年的能量,而且太阳在 1/816,000 秒内发射的能量就够人类使用一整年!
全世界范围内,大约仍有 20 亿人没有使用电。对于生活在这些无电地区的人们,安装太阳能发电板比延伸扩建公共电网更经济可行。



Why to choose solar?

Some of the key characteristics of solar, show it to tackle climate change has tremendous potential crisis:

The sun has enough to provide for the helium over 50 years of earth's energy, and the sun at 1/816,000 seconds of energy will launch a year for human use enough!
The earth only to receive two billionths of solar radiation energy, but only a few days, the energy of light and heat of all of earth to burning coal and oil, which wood release energy.
Worldwide, there are about 20 million people without the use of electricity. To live in these areas, the people without electricity installation of solar panels of public power than extension expansion economically viable.

Make good use of solar energy can make the enterprise, individual and the government. For example, enterprises can be used for solar:

Reduce fossil fuel price fluctuation and the rising risk, which can reduce the operation cost or stabilit