
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/29 22:11:07
Something bright and shiny was glistening on the seabed."I wonder what that is ?" Kipper thought and he dived dowm to have a look.It was a golden Key! "You've found it!" cried a little voice behind him.The little mermaid had been looking everywhere for the lost key.
"Hello," she said."My name is Coral.You have found the key to King Neptune's garden.You must come to the palace with me because the King will want to thank you !" King Neptune was waiting to meet the clever dolphin who had found his key.
"You must stay with us for the day," he said."We can play in the garden now that you have found my key." Kipper was very excited."And I will grant you a wish as your reward," laughed the King.
Kipper had never seen such a beautiful garden before. The sea flowers were so bright and colourful."I wish my dolphin friends could see this !" he said."And so they shall,"cried the King.

Kipper从来没见过这么漂亮的一个花园。那些海花都是那么的闪亮而颜色鲜艳。“我希望我的那些海豚朋友们也能看见这些!”他说。“他们将会看见的,”国王大声说。“Coral 将会游去而且很快就到那里的。”
