
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 00:50:41
我是那个问PSP玩游戏出现卡的情况的 下面我会详细介绍一下卡的情况.

我的机器是PSP3000 5.50官方固件. 在网上合购的一款游戏 叫PATAPON2 DONCHAKA

但是过了一段时间后 由于存档被同学覆盖了 我不得不重新玩`问题就出现了.
通关新手教程的地图以后,将要载入下一个场景的时候 屏幕就一直停留在 NOW LOADING 这个界面.也不是说卡住了 一直载入一直载入.一直一直`

这个游戏我已经把之前的存档删除过了`游戏也重新下载过了``PSP主机也重新恢复过了`记忆卡也格式化过了``甚至换过记忆卡`但是问题依然没有解决` 请问该怎么办~?

I was asked that there PSP games of the following cards, I will explain in detail the situation cards.
My machine is PSP3000 5.50 official firmware. All in the online purchase of a game called PATAPON2 DONCHAKA
Just download without any problems. Could have been playing it.
But after some time has been filed as a result of the students I had re-covered playing `problems have emerged.
Clearance after the new course map will be included in the next scene, when the screen has to stay in the NOW LOADING interface. Does not mean that has been stuck loading loading has been. Have been `
The game before I have to delete the archive after a `re-download games has also been a `` PSP console also have a` re-memory card format has been replaced `` memory card or even the question of `but` I would like to ask is still not resolved how to do ~?