
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 06:44:13
In Washington there had been a sense for months that the Afghan train was off the track and the McKiernan---an able armor officer---wasn't the right fit. On May 11, Defense Secretary Robert Gates, with Obama's blessing, tapped McChrystal for the Afghan post, saying "fresh eyes" were needed on the war.

早在几个月前,在华盛顿就有预感阿富汗的火车会出轨以及能干的装甲总司令Mckiernan并不胜任其位。五月十一日,美国国防部长Robert Gates受任于Obama,任命McChrystal接管阿富汗地区,并称在战争问题上需要“新的眼光”。
