
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/19 20:55:37
内容: 李华觉得有很多事情要做,这个假期他努力学习。他父亲工作一天之后觉得很累,头枕着胳膊睡着了。他母亲做完家务后,坐下来看她喜欢的节目。他的弟弟这次考试不及格,有点沮丧,此时正躺在床上,两眼瞪着天花板,他的妹妹得了感冒,门没关就睡觉了。他的爷爷坐在椅子上,嘴上叼着一只烟斗(pipe)


Li hua have to work on his study this vacation although seemingly with piles of work to be finished.After a whole day's work,greatly exhuasted,his father fell asleep with head above his arms.With all the housework finished,his mother sat back ,watching TV shows she like.Having failed in his exam,his younger brother lied on the bed with his eyes staring at the ceiling.His sister cauth a cold and went to sleep in her room with door open.His gradfather was seated on the chair with a pipe in his mouth.

Li hua have to work on his study this vacation although seemingly with piles of work to be finished.After a whole day's work,greatly exhuasted,his father fell asleep with head above his arms.With all the housework finished,his mother sat back ,watching TV shows she like.Having failed in his exam,his younger brother lied on the bed with his eyes staring at the ceiling.His sister cauth a cold and went to sleep in her room with door open.His gradfather was seated on the chair