
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/27 06:20:47
第八章 上善若水。水善利万物而不争,处众人之所恶[WU(四声)], 故几于道。 居善地,心善渊,与善仁,言善信,正善治,事善能,动善时。夫唯不争,故无尤。

the superme good is like water
which nourishes all things without trying to.
it is content with the low places that people disdain
thus it is like the Tao

in dwelling,live close to the ground
in thinking, keep to the simple
in conflict,be fair and generous
in governing,dont try to control



theme:the superme good is like water
moral:a man must be modest whereas be benefitial to all.
tone: Ancient Chinese style
plot: compare water to a man,hope a man to learn the spirit of water.
mood: do the ting with the emotion of inaction
action: inaction

theme:the superme good is like water
moral:a man must be modest whereas be benefitial to all.
tone: Ancient Chinese style
plot: compare water to a man,hope a man to learn the spirit of water.
mood: do the ting with the emotion of inaction
