
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/31 06:59:51
人物对话 小天后想当双语老师 昨日下午,“小天后”蔡依林接受了蓉城记者的采访。《舞娘》是蔡依林加盟新东家EMI旗下的CapitalMusic后,交出的第一张成绩单。对于每张专辑通告量都要达到600个以上一事,蔡依林坦言,力不从心的压力也需要“发泄”:“就像橡皮筋,绷得太紧也会断,前一段时间的确通告排得太满。”她庆幸地告诉记者,好在她有一群死党朋友当她的精神支柱,经常通过MSN、打电话的方式帮助她减压。有记者问蔡依林是否会出演“女版”《头文字 D》,蔡依林很惊讶地表示:“我从来没有听说过这件事,不过我和孙燕姿是好朋友,如果真有可能演的话,我不会介意的。”如今娱乐圈人红是非多,有记者追问她如果不做艺人了想做什么,蔡依林很爽快地回答道:“如果有一天我不做艺人了,我想到贵族学校做一名双语老师,教小朋友学些英文。”

big star"Jolin Tsai was celebrating the birthday last night , who is the performe guest will highlight came when the newspaper out her name, the fans have been unable to control themselves over the prospect of leaving their seats. Overall fans in the deafening cries,Jolin Tsai was wearing a grey T-shirt mix of white short trousers debut on stage, the dancer's posture with the hot, lovely eyes,Jolin Tsai's new album featuring songs principal attacking the "The Dancing Diva" to the fans saying cried, and she subsequently brought to the scene is the "pretend" to mobilize the extreme climate, the fans were again severely overcrowded arena in order to prevent accidents from occurring, site security and the police immediately on the stage and stand closer to the wall were isolated. Jolin Tsai stun the fans warm to the table thanks to her request to the two inveterate fans of the "Tsai-style techniques." At the end of "Song of Mr.q music, and