
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/16 02:24:06
I cherish the hope that the journal I projected and established will live and flourish long after I shall have mouldered into forgotten dust, and that the stone that covers my ashes may bear to future eyes the still intelligible inscription, "founder of the New York Tribune

I cherish the hope 主句,

that the journal I projected and established will live and flourish long after I shall have mouldered into forgotten dust, 同位语从句一,对hope进行解释说明

and that the stone that covers my ashes may bear to future eyes the still intelligible inscription, "founder of the New York Tribune同位语从句二,与从句一成并列关系,仍然是对hope进行解释说明。

the journal I projected and established will live and flourish long after I shall have mouldered into forgotten dust,

the journal I projected and established will live and flourish long after I shall have mouldered into forgotten dust,

and that the stone that covers my ashes may bear to future eyes the still intelligible inscription, "founder of the New York Tribune

the stone主语+定语从句+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语+