
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/03 16:14:41
在索纳河 (La Saône) 和罗纳河 ( Le Rhône) 之间静静流淌的是里昂。。。
作为高卢的都城,里昂并没有像匈奴的王庭那样被人遗忘。从罗马时代起,里昂迎来的不只有战争,还有基督徒,文艺复兴,法国大革命。时至今日,镶嵌在索纳河畔的圣让首席大教堂(Cathédrale St-Jean),高卢罗马博物馆 (Musée Gallo-Romain),富尔韦圣母院(Basilique de Notre Dame de Fourvière),和古罗马大剧院(Roman theater)依然能让游人看到这个今日法国第二大城市过去的影子。
里昂的纬度比巴黎低,白天来得也晚些。天亮后,我带着相机径直去了里昂的市中心——贝拉克广场(Place Bellecour)。路易十四的骑马像是广场上唯一的点缀,在雕像脚下远眺Fourvière山上的圣母院,正好落在路易十四先生的手心里。我在美丽的索纳河边拍了几张照片,张张都可以媲美在街边卖纪念品小店里的明信片。话虽如此,我们还是掏钱买了几张明信片寄给我在中国的好友和家人。

Lyons lies between the quiet flows of La Saone and Le Rhone...
Being the capital of Gaul, Lyons actually hasn't been forgotten like the imperial court of Hun had. In addition to having war, Lyons also faced the Christians, the Renaissance, the French Revolution since Roman times.
Even to this day,visitors to the sacred cathedral-- Cathédrale St-Jean which is embedded by the bank of La Saone;Musée Gallo-Romain; Basilique de Notre Dame de Fourvière; and the ancient Roman Theater could still witness the former shadow of France's secon largest city.
I went to a street corner restaurant for a meal after casually tidied up my luggage soon after I arrived in Lyons. Lyons is generally acknowledged as the capital of good food, it is strangely quiet in the dim light of the night,and there were no pedestrians, cars were also few and far between.
Hidden behind the mottled shadow of the trees are those quaint buildings, which let one seemingly could almost see t