
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/16 20:33:26
一、9月12日 为庆祝第25个教师节 促进我校教职工健身运动的开展 进一步提高广大教职工的健身意识和身体素质 展示我校良好精神风貌 丰富业余文化 我校组织全体教职工赴北九水进行登山比赛

二、9月24日 由校党总支副书记张民主持的学习实践科学发展观动员大会 在我校报告厅举行 市教育局领导张群 逄锦出席了大会

三、在宋瑞兰老师的带领下 全体教职工牺牲课余休息时间 刻苦训练多时的58中教职工合唱团在9月25日结束的市教育局局属单位教职工庆祝建国六十周年歌咏大赛上 荣获合唱团一等奖 及优秀组织奖 这真是功夫不负苦心人啊

On September 12, to celebrate the first 25 teachers to promote the development of university faculty fitness to further improve the staff's physical fitness awareness and show our good amateur cultural spirit is rich in our organization all teaching and administrative staff in north nine water mountaineering

On September 24, vice secretary of college ZhangMin hosted by practicing the scientific concept of learning in the school hall mobilization meeting held PangJin education bureau ZhangQun leaders attended the meeting

Third, in SongRuiLan teacher led all teaching and administrative staff rest time training school expense of 58 of faculty chorus in September 25 at the end of the city bureau of education JuShu unit staff's 60th anniversary celebration won first prize in chorus contest of singing and excellent organization that is not GuXinRen ah