谁能把我以下要说的话翻译成英语 翻译一定要准确 这是要发到公司的

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 05:52:48
谢谢贵公司的及时回信 本人英语不是很好 所以第一次去信写的比较简短 如有不礼貌之处请多多包含 关于上次发的那个出货单 是我在淘宝网购物时在一家卖贵公司产品的店铺上出示的真品证据 这个是那家店铺的网址 他家有所谓的证明照片 请您帮我们这些消费者检查下 这些证明是否出自贵公司 如果您觉得证据不充足的话 请您说下在贵公司批发 需要什么必要手续 有什么有力凭证 例如一些单据之类的 能够证明他家商品是从贵公司批发的 我会再找店主索要 还有我在XX官网上已经看见关于++授权证明是假的了 我们会支持正品的 还有关于产品管体后面是否印有** 已经在国内关于真假辨别小有争议 有的人说09年4月生产的就有 那4月之后生产的呢 也有吗?
我发了3次同样的问题 有人能回答的话 3次悬赏加在一起是150分!! 麻烦帮帮忙 这份翻译对我很重要!!

Thank you for your quick reply and please excuse me for not having written much in my last e-mail because of my poor English. As for the sales order I sent you last time, it's a genuine product certificate that I was shown by an internet shop on Taobao.com who sells products from your company. Here is the URL of its shop address:
There are other pictures on the shop that shows some certificate. Could you check them for us consumers if they are true or if they are from your company? If these aren't enough to prove that the goods in the shop are from your company, could you advise what necessary procedures are in place for dealers to buy wholesale products from your company, or what else should we ask the seller to provide, such as receipts or anything? I'll ask the shop owner for them.
By the way, I've seen from xxx's official website that ++ authorization certificate is fake. We'll support brand products.
One more thing, the ** printed on the