翻译一个简单的句子 最后口语点的 英式的

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/30 20:22:25

把握现在 真情投入最重要
一楼的拿翻译软件弄的吧 我怎么看了这么中国化?
没精通英语的了嘛 还是嫌分少呐 哎呀 我的个妈啊 就这点分啊

just let bygones be bygones and seize the present. Nothing would work better than your heartful devotion.
p.s.你不觉得斯文的翻译除了grap now外不也很好吗。

don't give a shit what you lose
grab the present.most omportantly ,total devotion

There's no need to care too much about the lost.
Grap now, nothing would important than the true devotion.

it dosen't matter that you lost somthing,but it's more important to hold now, and to devote yourself by heart.