
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/15 02:13:58
WCG(World Cyber Games),是一个全球性的竞技游戏的盛会。
世界电子竞技大赛(即 WCG )是全球范围内第一个最具规模的游戏文化节,大赛一直以 “beyond the game” 为口号,以推动电子竞技的全球发展为目标,旨在促进人们在网络时代的沟通、互动和交流,促进人类生活的和谐与愉快。这场风起云涌的电子奥运会已经连续举办了八届,自 2001年首届World Cyber Games开赛之时,WCG的主办方就将其定位在全球性的电子竞技奥运盛会,是一个以奥林匹克运动会形式筹办的电子运动会,承担着沟通全球顶尖电子竞技运动选手,进行国际间交流的责任,成为新体育形式的开创者。经过几届WCG大赛的成功举办,三星电子杯WCG世界电子竞技大赛已经在中国得到众多肯定与支持。

WCG (World Cyber Games), is a global event in games.
World Cyber Games (the WCG) is the world's largest within the framework of the first game of a cultural festival, competition has been "beyond the game" as a slogan to promote e-sports global development as the goal, aimed at promoting people in the Internet Age communication, interaction and exchanges and promote the harmonious and happy human life. This surging electronics organized for the eighth consecutive Olympic Games, the first since 2001 when the World Cyber Games start, WCG's organizers will be its position in the global e-sports event in the Olympic Games, is a form of organizing the Olympic Games of electronic Games, bears the world's leading communication and e-sports athletes to carry out international exchange and the responsibility of becoming a new form of sports pioneer. After the success of successive WCG competition, Samsung Cup WCG World Cyber Games has been in China have been a