
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 00:45:47
3、不要总是靠父母,因为你已经不再是小孩了(not...any longer)
4、外面正在下雨,所以我们将去看电影而不去野餐(instead of)
5、她喜欢跳舞和唱歌(as well as)
9、我们应该尽力学好英语(try one·s best)

1 and he said yesterday that a man from that shop stole a lot of money (waited)
2 and Mary are likely to have gone to Australia (temperature),
3, don't always depend on their parents, because you have no longer a kid (not any longer-wavelength).
4 and it is raining outside, so we will go to the movies rather go on a picnic (pack)
5 and she likes dancing and singing (yard)
6, my job is teaching English
7, with fire is very dangerous
8, our teacher told us not to play in the street
Nine, we should try our best to learn English (one), s best supply.try
10, I decided to send an E-mail to my cousin (certainly expect)

1.He said that someone stole a lot of money from that shop yesterday.
2.Mary has quite probably gone to Australia.
3.Do not always rely(depend) on your parents, because you're no longer a kid.
4.It's raining,so we are going to the movies instead of going picnic.
5.She likes dancing as well as