
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 13:23:17
题目:记忆的痛 有写人,有些事,一辈子都会记得,痛彻心菲,记忆不是雪,不是融化了就没的,原本以为自己很坚强没想到提起它我的心还是会痛原来我的心是那么样经不起催残

The pain of memory
Some people,some things that break our heart bloody
we will remember them in the whole life
memory is not the snow that will melt and disappear
I think I am strong enough
But I still feel heartache when mention them
I konw my heart is so weak originally until now

There are some people, some things, we will never forget lifelong , Philippine Heart wound, memory is not snow, when it melts nothing left.Originally i thought that i was strong enough but when I think of it my heart still hurts . my heart is so frail that can not tolerate Cuican

the sadnees of memery
There are some people and some matters.I will never forget and they will make a deep pain in my heart.The sonw can melts,but the memery doesn't like the sonw.I thought I am a strong man .when I rember about you ,I kenw I am a wake.I feel the pain deep in my heart.It turned out that my heart haven't trampled yet.
