
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/17 03:30:50

Contact lenses in medicine, said contact lens, since the invention has been on its light, beautiful, comfortable and so well received by consumers as well, but few people are aware that their contact lens care solution belong to the third category of medical device products, asked about the use of contact lenses taboo, how the conservation of such knowledge, most of them a smattering of knowledge, or even know nothing about. The current optical shop contact lens fitting is undesirable. Almost all of the optical shop is equipped with neither eye professionals, and the right contact lens care solution for users unable to guide, glasses shop while optometrists are basically, but the qualifications held by varied, the technology level is difficult to guarantee. And fitting equipment is relatively backward, optometry large errors. The lack of after-sale tracking service. Basically there is no after-sales service, even if the manufacturer has to provide after-sales service form, an optica