what's the aim of learning English?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 03:10:39
we pay a lot of attention to English
grammars and words for the whole
process of life.we sacrafice our
valuable time to delve into all
kinds of sentence meanings in the
dictionary.so for what? beside
that you can find a good job,
what else? read novels? but I
don't think there is too much
differece between westners'
thought and Chinese one.is
it worth spending so much time
studying it?
don't talk to me that english
makes you land a good job,
I mean eternal aims of learning
english, not just worldly aims.
job doesn't mean your life aims,
does it?

You had some good answers already down there. I can only add a little more.

There are only 2 aims, either for yourself or for others. In philosophy, it is the Self and the Other.

Let us suppose that you may want to learn English for yourself, and you want your English (L2) to be as good as your mother tongue (MT). Here are some of the possible answers.

1. If your MT is Chinese you know already that MT and L2 are different. Based on linguistic determinism, different languages mean different thinking and even different successes. Maybe your L2 is even better than your MT, in some areas. Then you may want to say sth. or write sth. that you cannot do in your MT. Maybe you want to win a Nobel prize which not many can win in speaking MT and writing MT and you want to use L2 to win.

2. Grandson of the creator of Berlits schools, Charles Berlitz, contends that "On the world island where we all live it is increasingly important for us to under