
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 06:46:07
Sky lanter是一种可以飞的灯笼。到了晚上,把它放飞空中,好象一颗颗明亮的星星。孔明灯本作为一种许愿用的灯笼,现已成为一种节日最创销的工艺品。每到节日或结婚喜庆,满天飘飞的点点灯光,载着人们的感思和梦想,走向希望。

Sky lantern is a lantern that can fly. If you fly it at night, it looks like a bright star in the sky. Sky lantern had been used as a lantern to make a vow to the god, but now it has become one of the most popular handcraft in the festival. During the days of festival or marriage celebrations, so many lights floated in the sky, which carried the wish and sentiment of the people, flying to the hope.