
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/24 15:08:42
As long as we aee our parents as victims of "the conspiracy of the ruling classes" and of capitalism.which"necessarily ends up as fascism",there was no need to debate the personal guilt of our daddies and mommies'
.This searing self-critique of political activism differs markedly from Berg's psychologising.Whereas Schneider analyses the anti-fascist rhetoric as a red herring that at a deeper level actually authorised an evasion of individual responsiblity for Holocaust crimes,and characteries the second generation's anti-Nazi protests as a misguided form of self-administered therapy for coping with ists shame .Schneider critiques the means;Berg jettisons the ends.And we are left to w onder why this heretofore laudable,if extremely painful,task appears to have gone so utterly out of fashion.Later, Berg reiterates the shame he felt at having falsely condemned his father.
are ....thx

只要我和我们父母是作为一个被本应该象法西斯那样终止的统治阶级和资本主义的受害者, 就根本不需要去争论他们对于我的父母的愧疚感.

(请问楼主:we aee our parents 中 aee是不是are?
"the conspiracy of ruling classes" and capitalism 中 引号是不是应该在capitalism 后面? )