
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/16 22:53:04

An amazing truth is that one of the greatest fears a lot of people have is speaking in public. Almost as fearful as going to the dentist. It seems that many people cringe at the thought of being the main attraction in front of a lot of people.

This fear may exist because speaking in public makes us vulnerable. We are exposed in front of a group of people and for a period of time they are looking at us and listening to what we have to say. Fear of failure is probably the real fear that exists here. We are afraid of making a fool of ourselves in front of others so we would rather avoid that kind of situation. How do we overcome that kind of fear? Let me suggest a few ways.

1. Realize that you are just as important as everyone you are speaking to. You are a unique creation and have talents and skills like other people do.

2. Speak to the group like you were talking to an old friend. Avoid the "ahs" of public speaking.

3. Practice in