
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/24 12:39:50
近年来,中国社会经济迅速发展,与国际社会经济水平差距逐步缩短。随着自助、家庭、小团队、散客旅游等旅游方式的兴起,中国旅游者的消费观念越来越科学,对旅游消费提出了经济、安全、舒适等更具体的要求。同时由于受到收入的限制, 他们愿意接受清洁、廉价、提供人性化服务的酒店,而最适应国内旅游者消费水平的正是经济型酒店。在国际上,经济连锁酒店与豪华酒店的比例为7:1,而在中国,这个比例是倒置的,加上中国国内大规模大众旅游的兴起,经济连锁酒店在中国市场发展机会和潜力很大。经济型酒店已成为近几年酒店投资的热点,在国内外品牌大举投资经济型酒店的行业背景下,桂林作为著名的休闲旅游城市自古享有“山水甲天下”之美誉,是中国乃至世界重要的旅游目的地城市,有着被国务院确定的国家重点风景游览城市和历史文化名城两顶桂冠,被誉为国际旅游明珠,应不可避免地成为投资的宝地。目前,桂林经济型酒店仍处于起步阶段,势必会产生诸如发展战略,经营管理方面的问题,这些问题如不加以正视将会制约长远的发展。

In recent years, the develop, and international prompt Chinese economy society of society economy level gap shortens step by step. Subsequently help-yourself, tour way's such as family , young team , scattered visitor tour is on the rise, science consuming concept Yue Lai Yue , more concrete call for such as have brought forward economic security to the consumption touring, comfortable of Chinese tourist. Restrict at the same time since accepting invisible income's, they hope that take on is clean , low-priced , provide the hotel that personalization serves , exactly are an economy type hotel but adapt to in the homeland tourist consumption level's most. On the international, the economy chain hotel and luxurious hotel proportion are 7:1, but are in China, this proportion is inverted , the chance and the potential are very big plus large-scale Chinese in the homeland masses tour being on the rise , economy chain hotel in Chinese marketplace development. The economy type