
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/01 12:46:56
The rehabilitation program was offered in Russia's far eastern city of Vladivostok.It was staredby RUssia President Dmitri Wedvedev during his visit to China's Sichuan,Shaanxi an Gansu.

AT the "Ocean"All-Russia Children's Care Center,there were many activities,such as arts and crafts,singing,dancingand learning Russian.

"Besides helping to heal the physical and psychological wounds of the young quake victims,the rehabilitation program has also promoted friendly communication and cooperation between China and Russia."an official from Ministry of Education'said.

Russian Deputy Minister of Education' and Science² Yuri Senturin said that Russia doesn;t regard hosting these children as a task,but rather as something"a friendly nrighbor should do ."


提供的康复计划,在俄罗斯的远东城市海参崴这是staredby Wedvedev 1907年俄罗斯总统访问期间,中国四川、陕西、甘肃的。







俄罗斯教育科学部副部长Yuri Senturin说,俄罗斯并未将接待这些孩子视作一项任务,而是视为“友好邻居应该做的事情。”