翻译 (5句)

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 07:27:25
1. 根据图书馆的规章,这本书你至少能借阅二周。(keep)
2. 你简直不能想象这名歌手在十几岁的少年中多么受欢迎。(popular)
3. 经过多年的研究,他们得出结论,地球正在变暖。(conclude)
4. 他们概述了水灾后重建家园的计划。(outline)
5. 一场涉及十多辆汽车的交通事故就发生在你现在站着的高速公路上。(occur)

1. According to the rules of the library, you can keep the book at least for two weeks.
2. You can hardly imagine how popular the singer is among the teenagers.
3. After years of study, they have concluded that the earth is getting warmer.
4. They outlined their projects for rebuilding their hometown after the flooding.
5. A traffic accident involving over ten vehicles occourred on the highway where you are standing.

哈哈 给分吧!