
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/16 14:13:30
1. 大连东北亚国际航运中心政策
(2) 2004年12月辽宁省政府在加快建设大连东北亚国际航运中的决定中提出要集聚辽宁沿海港口群辽宁沿海港口集装箱码头发展研究优势,形成以大连为中心,营口、锦州、丹东为两翼,葫芦岛、盘锦等省内港口为补充的港口格局。2007年12月,辽宁省政府正式印发《大连东北亚国际航运中心发展规划》,提出“围绕大连国际航运中心建设,在政府引导、企业自主的原则下整合辽宁沿海港口资源,优化港口功能分区,不断扩大中心突出、两翼并举、优势互补、错位发展的港口集群优势”的战略。加快大连东北亚国际航运中心建设的工作重点是抓好三个环节:一是港口、码头结构的调整;二是港口深水航道的建设;三是港口集疏运通道建设。


1.Dalian Northeast Asia international shipping centre policy

(1)Establish a strategic plan "of important Northeast Asia international shipping centre according to suggesting that make full use of northeast China now has harbour condition and advantage, with Dalian" "the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China , State Council vitalize some strategy ideas about putting northeastern region and other old industrial bases into practice" on August 3 , 2004. The international shipping centre relies on the in the homeland northeast China economic zone in Dalian Northeast Asia , the hinderland keeping a foothold in serving northeast China economy, pulls the economic cooperation moving and promoting being encircled by the Bohai Sea area, lifting northeast China degree of opening to the outside world and internationalization level, participation international division of labor develops vigorously more all round with working together , improving internat