
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/15 08:38:57
在本片中鲁德罗上校早期驱逐印第安人而后和他们共同生活,他所爱的妻子离开这里而他固执的留了下来 。

他用父亲的威严想阻止儿子们的参军 ,但是儿子们却一无反顾。在出发前,他还是默许了他们,拥抱并且希望他们平安归来。

是燃情岁月的影评。 谢谢大家了!

In the early ZhongLu's captain and expel the indians and they live together, he loved his wife left here and he stayed stubbornly.

His father to prevent the majesty of the sons of the army, but nothing sons hereby irrevocably. Before leaving, he allowed them, and embraced them safely and hope.

In the early ZhongLu's captain and expel the indians and they live together, he loved his wife left here and he stayed stubbornly.

His father to prevent the majesty of the sons of the army, but nothing sons hereby irrevocably. Before leaving, he allowed them, and embraced them safely and hope.

Is the ludlows leaders.