
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 11:10:05
大家好,我是Jennifer 张,12岁,是一位可爱的黑发少女。我来自古老而神秘的中国。我性格外向 ,风趣幽默,活泼可爱。在学校里,我是魅力四射的啦啦队队长,学习也不错。我的偶像是迈克尔杰克逊,最喜欢读的书是哈利波特。你呢?在我生活的城市中,有景色宜人的乡村,也有繁华的街道... ...想知道更多我的国家和我的事吗?快来和我聊聊吧!我会不定期地把我的心情或有趣的事告诉你的。

Hey everyone,It is Jennifer.zhang,12-year-old,a lovely girl with black hair. I come from an ancient and mysterious country, China. I'm extrovert,funny,humourous,lovely and active.I'm an amazing team leader of cheer-section at school, and also I'm good at study.My idol is MJ,my favourite book is <HarryPotter>. How about you? In my city which I'm living,there are beautiful countryside,and bustling streets etc.Do you wanna know more about my country or myself? Please come and chat with me,I will share my mood and something interesting with you usually.