
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/05 00:03:26
1999年12月20日,历史定格在那一刻。岁月的浮沉扫去了过去的耻辱,清晨的初阳照亮了人们被阴霾遮蔽已久的内心——澳门,让祖国母亲骄傲的孩子,告别了饿殍遍地,告别了欺凌辱骂,才终于回到了他分别已久的家。那里再没有外国人鄙夷的眼光,再没有灾难的无情摧残,时光的荏苒再次向我们激情满涨地昭示了:“中国人不会败!不会倒!不会屈服不会认输,不会轻言放弃每一寸国土!” 忘不了1999年12月20日那晚,两国易帜时人们的热泪盈眶;忘不了两国代表高高举起右手,双眼闪着泪光,庄严的宣誓;忘不了千名青年在大街上徒步行走庆祝澳门回归的身影;忘不了告别晚会的灯火辉煌,龙狮齐舞;忘不了回归仪式上全体人员起立那振聋发聩、经久不息的掌声;忘不了442名葡萄牙儿童与国际巨星齐唱“赞颂和平”,更忘不了澳门被葡侵占的442个岁月……
当历史的钟声唤醒了沉睡已久的黎明,当炎黄子孙雄浑有力的呐喊驱走了肆虐百年的黑暗 ,我们终于可以自豪地向世界发出宣言:“中国再不是曾经那个任由侵略者践踏的是非之地,中国人也再不是那些曾经懦弱无能的东亚病夫。我们,站起来了!”

On December 20, 1999, historical frames at that moment. As the years went past and disgrace, early morning sun lightens people is covered inside long already haze, macau, let the child motherland proud, farewell EPiao everywhere, farewell bullying, finally returned to his long home. There is no foreigner disdain, no disaster, time flies ruthlessly with up to our passion again to embody the Chinese: "not pour! Not defeated! Not concede yield, won't give up every inch of land!" Forget December 20, 1999, the two countries at night; people to tears, Forget representatives held high hand, with tears in eyes, solemn oath, Forget thousand youth in the streets to celebrate the return of hiking, Forget the farewell party, dragon-lion dance together bright lights, Forget return ceremony staff stood the materialism, prolonged applause, Forget 442 Portuguese children and international star singing "peace", more praise by the Portuguese in macau forget 442 years...