
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 01:29:18


1. In its mother tongue education, Singapore focuses on mastering the language skills but does not pay the same amount of attention on cultural heritage.

2. Please imagine that a foreign businessman, when negotiating with Chinese during meal, kept rattling on while unintentionally erecting the chopsticks into the bowl.

Singapore stressed education in the mother tongue of their ability to master the language of cultural heritage does not seem to give the same attention.

Imagine a business dinner with the Chinese side can tobe business negotiations, in the middle of the chopsticks into the rice bowls, and it has unwittingly feet.

mm... 这句话似乎不是很对,你所说的可能是一个特例。至于文化嘛,在这一新世纪,在不同文化交叉影响中,传统的文化已失去它原有的色彩。你看到的某些现象只能说明不同的区域受到不同程度的内外影响而产出的一种另类文化。其实,国内也是如此。