
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 20:49:20
Dreamy and docile, it's the kind of hushed folk-alternative music you might hear on the soundtrack of a recent Miramax film release, employing Simon-and-Garfunkel-esque harmonics, and dripping with melancholy intertwined with hopefulness. It rides softly on the wind until it enters the listener, resonating strongly within the heart, striking the perfect chord.

Simon-and-Garfunkel 西蒙-加枫科
soundtrack 这里翻译成"电影插曲"比较贴切.
hushed 压低声音的

如梦似幻, 温柔缠绵, 可以用来形容您将在米拉麦克斯影业公司新近出品的电影中听到的插曲. 此曲是一种用低声演唱的民间音乐-另类音值幕旌咸? 它采用了"西蒙-加枫科"式的和声技巧, 洋溢着满怀希望的忧郁. 它随风轻盈地飘入观众的耳中, 与心灵产生共鸣, 激发出完美的情感回应.

带着驯服和,是一种民间往来,你会选择听音乐的唱片日前发表Miramax电影用西蒙与民谣的esque谐,忧郁与机拖交. 轻柔的风,乘车进入到听众的心强烈共振,突出完善的共鸣.