翻译Although research designed solely to isolate the characteristic of leaders

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/30 12:48:50
全句是Although research designed solely to isolate the characteristic of leaders was thought to have reached the point of diminishing returns,it has been revived in a new form with the emergence of interest in the life-span development of the leader,particularly the transformational leader.请问如何翻译。文章讲的是领导的个性因素

Although research designed solely to isolate the characteristic of leaders was thought to have reached the point of diminishing returns,it has been revived in a new form with the emergence of interest in the life-span development of the leader,particularly the transformational leader翻译为:虽然研究单一地被设计隔绝领导的特征被认为到达了点报酬减少, 它复兴了以新形式以兴趣诞生在领导上, 特殊变形领导的寿命发展