
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/29 08:45:58
Pigs are much more intelligent than what many people give them credit for!
Professor Stanley Curtis and Dr. Sarah Boysen of Penn State University in a study found that pigs are much smarter than dogs. Pigs are capable of abstract representation and are able to hold an icon in mind and remember it at a later date. Pigs did better at video games than some primates. Pigs communicate constantly with one another and more tha 20 of their oinks have been identified for different situations, from wooing their mates to saying "I'm hungry". They have temperature preferences and can learn through trial and error how to turn on the heat in a cold barn and turn it off again when it is too warm. Pigs have even saved the lives of their owner by dragging her free from a muddy bog.

猪比许多人们给它的奖励还有聪明许多。Penn State(大学名)大学的Stanley Curtis(人名)和Sarah Boysen(人名)教授在研究中发现,猪比狗聪明。猪可以提炼图像,并可以把图像记在脑中,而且稍后的日子也能记住。猪比一些灵长类玩电视游戏玩的好。猪一直彼此交流,并超过20个他们的呼噜声,来用在不同的场景,这从他们对同伴的求爱中说“我饿了”中,已经被证实。它们有温度的喜好,并且可以从试验和错误中学习如何在猪棚中打开取暖器并在太热时把它再度关掉。猪从未把她泥泞的狗旁拖出来拯救他们自己。


Penn State大学的Stanley Curtis教授和Sarah Boysen博士在研究中发现. 猪比狗聪明多了.猪能够进行抽象描绘, 并可以把图像记在脑中,而且稍后的日子也能记住. 猪玩电玩比一些猿猴要好. 猪类之间一直存在着彼此交流, 并有超过20个它们的呼噜声用与在不同的场景, 这些 是从他们对同伴的求爱中说“我饿了”中已被证实了. 它们偏爱温度. 并且可以从试验和错误中学习如何在猪棚中打开暖器并在太热时把它再度关掉. 猪甚至从一只沾满泥的狗旁救拖出自己的主人, 救出他们..