谁知道EIU是个什么组织?哪个缩写?好像是econimy i~~~什么什么 union???谢谢大家帮个忙!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/21 17:21:24

Economist Intelligence Unit

The Economist Intelligence Unit, EIU

Experimental(实验)Interaction (性互作用) Unit

The Experimental Interaction Unit (EIU) is actively engaged in ongoing research into the physical, aural, visual, and gestural interactions between humans and machines and the various permutations of those interactions. Previously we have conducted investigations into distribution systems for lethal biological pathogens, technology disruption instruments, Weapons of Mass Disorientation (WMD), and various personal tele-activity enabling devices that facilitate tele-embodiment, tele-crime, and tele-obliteration. We are currently updating our agenda in light of current social-technological situations and pursuing the urgent deployment of the next generation of essential technical tools.