
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/22 12:43:00


Tang Chang'an in Xi'an City and the suburbs, including today, seven and a half times the size of the city now.Zhou 36.7 km city, which is home to about one million population.Tang Chang'an City is divided into three parts.North King and the Royal Miyagi is the place to live and deal with North Korea.Miyagi prefecture south of the Imperial City is the location of the feudal government.Huangchengshan Miyagi and the East, South and is surrounded on three sides by arch contour City.City residents outside the residential and commercial profile.It consists of North and South 11 Street, 14th Street West and the East is divided into eight separate 100 East Market Square and the West two commercial city.Chang'an chessboard layout shape.The Tang Dynasty was a period of great prosperity in China's feudal society.Chang is not only the country's political, economic and cultural center, is the largest international eastern city.The cold ancient Chang'an "